Creating Web Pages "from Scratch"
(using HTML)

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Problems or questions? Check here first. Before you pull out your hair or leave desperate messages on the instructor's answering machine, check out the answers to these questions that seem to keep coming up all the time.

Current Questions:
Changing Fonts
Super & Subscripts

Page vs Site
Q: Generally, how should my "project" be put together, as one page or several? - JM
Your "home page," the one visitors first see should be the one labeled as "index.htm" or "index.html." It should have links to the other sections (pages) of your project (site), with each section being a separate page. Your images for ALL pages, though, could be kept in one "images" folder.

Image Placement
Q: How do you get graphic images on the left and right of your text?- RB
In the <img> tag, add "align=-?" using top, middle, or bottom in place of the ? -- that determines whether the text starts at the top, middle, or bottom of the image. If you were to view the source for this page, you would see the code reads "align=right" for the website diagram here. To wrap text around the right side of an image, for example, use: <img src="imagename" align=left>

Another way is to actually experiment with spacing, try:

<img src="picturename" align="right" width=85 height=97>
changing the 85 and 97 for numbers that fit your work best.

Indenting text
Q: How do you get text to indent? - DL
Sometimes, using <tab> works. Normally, indents, like for paragraphs, are ignored on webpages. However, if you have already typed something in a word processor, and want to keep its formatting, type <pre> in front of that text and </pre> after it which causes the browser to keep the original spacing of the document.

Another helpful tag is <BLOCKQUOTE> and </BLOCKQUOTE> to separate a section of text from the rest of the text on your page. The yellow section in the previous answer with the width=85 height=97 is an example of what BlockQuote does.

Changing Fonts
Q: How do you change a font? - MA
Type <font face="name of font">. For example, to use "arial" font, you'd type: <font face="arial"> but change fonts with care. If the font you choose isn't on the browser's computer, odd things appear. Just to be safe, most people specify more than one font, adding a common one, like arial or comic sans. That's done with a comma: <font face="Old English text, arial">

Sizes are changed with <BASEFONT SIZE="?"> with the ? replaced by a number 1-7 (7 being the largest, 1 being the smallest. That changes ALL the text. To just change a section, use <FONT SIZE="?"> and </FONT>.

This shows you font size one.

This shows font size seven.

Color is changed using <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"> and </FONT>, where the "#FF0000" is the color you selected.

Displaying Super/subscripts & Symbols
Q: How do you display H2O or x2=9 or the copyright © symbol ? - GD
To use subscripts, as with the H2O, use the tag <SUB> and </SUB>. For superscripts, as with the X2, use the tags <SUP> and </SUP>.

Use the following codes for special symbols:

© = &#169

® = &#174

Indenting Quotes
Q: I have a wonderful quote I'd like to use on my home page. How can I make it indent stand out from the rest of the text. - MT
Using the BLOCKQUOTE tag will enable you to separate text from the rest of the page. For example, to get:

Something famous, witty, or wise, might need to be centered and indented like this to attract attention and set it apart from the rest of your page. Using the Blockquote command should do exactly that.

use: <BLOCKQUOTE>text you want goes here </BLOCKQUOTE>

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Last Update: March 1, 2005