Guiding Questions:

1. What is flexibility and why is it important?
2. What are three benefits of flexibility?
3. What are three factors that can influence flexibility?
Glossary of Terms
Cartilage -
Firm, rubbery tissue that cushions bones at joints.
Fascia -
Connective tissue that surrounds muscles and separates them into individual muscles and groups.
Flexibility -
Flexibility is defined as the amount of movement or range of motion around a joint or joints.
Hyaline -
Smooth cartilage that covers the ends of bones to allow smooth movement.
The junction between two bones.
Ligament -
Tissues that connect bone to bone.
Tissues that are composed of fibers that are contractile, which allow bodily movement.
Musculotendinous Junction -
The area of transition from muscle to tendon.
Stretching -
Stretching is the elongation or increase of tissue length by internal or external forces.
Synovial fluid
Thick fluid that is encased between joints that acts to reduce friction and lubricate the joint.
Tendon -
Tissues that connect muscle to bone.