Nee Xiong

  1. Education
    1. Parkway Elementary
    2. Battle Creek Middle School
    3. Capital Hill Magnet
    4. Harding High School
    5. University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
    6. Dayton's Bluff Elementary
  2. Goals
    1. Become an elementary teacher
      1. Classroom Experiences
        1. Jackson Elementary
        2. Como Elementary
        3. Benjamin E. Maze
        4. New Spirit K-8
    2. Buy a house
    3. Get Married
    4. Graduate from College
    5. Get my teaching license
    6. Have a family
  3. Hobbies/Interests
    1. Sports
      1. Volleyball
      2. basketball
      3. Tennis
    2. Reading
    3. Shopping
    4. Hanging out with friends
      When my friends and I get together, we like to go out and just have fun! We usually take lots of pictures to remind us of the fun times that we had.
  4. Miscellaneous Thoughts
    1. Background
      1. Family
        1. 2 brothers and 2 sisters
        2. I am the oldest child
        3. Total of 7 people in my family
      2. Friends
      3. Info on me

        I was born on July 12, 1981 in Thailand. I came to the US with my mother when I was about 3 months old. As of right now I am 21 years old seeking a career as an elementary teacher. I would like to teach in the St.Paul area just because my family lives here, and I do not want to be separated from them.
    2. PretzelMaker
    3. Dairy Queen
    4. Quorum/Lanier Company
    5. Specialties Unlimited
    6. MCAP/UofM MEP Program
    7. America Reads
    8. University Day Community
    9. Educational Tutorial Services
    10. Resume

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