Alternative Ways to Submit Assignments

Floppy Disks

1. Be sure completed task is properly labeled - and identifiable.
2. Place disk and rubric in instructor’s mailbox (150 Peik) or turn in at beginning of next scheduled class.

Note: This method works only with small files and should be your last option

Email Attachments

1. Create an email briefly describing the assignment being attached.

2. Place all parts of the assignment in a folder and "attach" the folder to the email.

3. Send the email and attachment to the instructor

Accessing Your UofM email via the WWW

Click here for directions on accessing your UofM email account from anywhere in the world!

Using WS-FTP or Fetch

WS-FTP is a Windows file transfer program and Fetch is a similar applictaion for Macintosh. (WS-FTP is usually found under the Programs menu, under NetApps.).

For free product downloads:

For additional instructions, visit the UofM ADCS file tranfer info pages.

Completed assignments are best submitted electronically to the class server. It is still recommended that you have a backup copy of any work turned in for credit.

IMPORTANT: Always keep a backup copy of work turned in !!

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